From Kind of Magic Welsh Springer Spaniels

Het L-nest (3-3)


Nieuwe Vaart 100 5161 RK SPRANG-CAPELLE
Blossom Bell from Kind of Magic HD A- Ogen PRA/Cat. vrij
Fields of Gold from Kind of Magic HD A- Ogen alles vrij + Gonio
Geboren op 20-10-2017
Lucketts Green from Kind of Magic “Lewis”
Lickety Split from Kind of Magic “Goof”
Limelight from Kind of Magic “Ramses”
La Fayette from Kind of Magic “Soof”
Lady in Red from Kind of Magic “Lilly”
La Rosa from Kind of Magic “Guusje”

Blossom Bell from Kind of Magic HD A- Ogen PRA/Cat. vrij
Fields of Gold from Kind of Magic HD A- Ogen alles vrij + Gonio
Lucketts Green from Kind of Magic “Lewis” Lickety Split from Kind of Magic “Goof” Limelight from Kind of Magic “Ramses” La Fayette from Kind of Magic “Soof” Lady in Red from Kind of Magic “Lilly” La Rosa from Kind of Magic “Guusje”
Geboren op 20-10-2017

Het L-nest (3-3)

Adres: Nieuwe Vaart 100, 5161 RK SPRANG-CAPELLE

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Fields of Gold from Kind of Magic
Autumn Storm from Kind of Magic
Tremletts Bell from Kind of Magic
Welsh Dream’s Hot Coffee
Orinoco Flow from Kind of Magic
Wild Chase des Vauriennes
Jonabel from Kind of Magic
Ferndel Aeron Magregor
Jonabel from Kind of Magic
Amica Adara’s Artie
Torngardens Constant Crazy
Benton Ugly Duckling
Gala Queen from Kind of Magic
Blossom Bell from Kind of Magic
From Kind of Magic Welsh Springer Spaniel